Before you begin playing: 

1. Find the Knife that is there somewhere in the level whilst avoiding enemies

2. Once you find the knife, slaugher the enemies.

3. After slaying all the enemies, you win (??)

To gamers, game devs and everyone in between.

This game is a submission to the GMTK Game Jam. A really, really, really, really big game jam.

My mind fumbled as I tried to think of game ideas around the theme -- Roles Reversed. After coming up with a really, really, really, really cool idea (or so I thought), I began to develop it.

As the solo developer that I was (during the period of the jam), my brain couldn't handle the 2.79B+ tasks that I had to finish in 172800 seconds (appropriately known as 48 hours). 

My brain wasn't braining, my Unity wasn't uniting and my soul had officially left my body. But then I realised that I had been working for the past 108000 seconds (appropriately known as 30 hours).

Despite my efforts, I couldn't finish the game. Now, there are only ~3 hours (~10800 seconds) remaining. But the Game Jam was an amazing experience. This one jam has spawned two entire game ideas in my head. Ones that I can complete without the 172800 seconds haunting me.

Enough talk, I present to you -- Duckin Hell.

Duckin Hell has:
• Random enemy spawning system
• A good (enough) player controller
Absolute garbage Amazing hand-drawn 2D art by yours truly
• FOUR different types of enemies
• 108000 of my precious seconds
• My will to live

Duckin Hell absolutely doesn't have:
• Particles (they betrayed me)
• Good gameplay (I'm sorry)
• Sound -- no sound at all (again, I'm sorry) 

But in all seriousness, here's a game I made for the GMTK Game Jam. It's not finished, but I sure am.

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